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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ordering issues when monkey patching in Python.

In my recent post about safely applying monkey patches in Python, I mentioned how one of the issues that arises is when a monkey patch is applied. Specifically, if the module you need to monkey patch has already been imported and was being used by other code, that it could have created a local reference to a target function you wish to wrap, in its own namespace. So although your monkey patch would work fine where the original function was used direct from the module, you would not cover where it was used via a local reference.

Coincidentally, Ned Batchelder recently posted about using monkey patching to debug an issue where temporary directories were not being cleaned up properly. Ned described this exact issue in relation to wanting to monkey patch the 'mkdtemp()' function from the 'tempfile' module. In that case he was able to find an alternate place within the private implementation for the module to patch so as to avoid the problem. Using some internal function like this may not always be possible however.

What I want to start discussing with this post is mechanisms one can use from wrapt to deal with this issue of ordering. A major part of the solution is what are called post import hooks. This is a mechanism which was described in PEP 369 and although it never made it into the Python core, it is still possible to graft this ability into Python using existing APIs. From this we can then add additional capabilities for discovering monkey patching code and automatically apply it when modules are imported, before other modules get the module and so before they can create a reference to a function in their own namespace.

Post import hook mechanism

In PEP 369, a primary use case presented was illustrated by the example:

import imp

def register(decimal):

The basic idea is that when this code was seen it would cause a callback to be registered within the Python import system such that when the 'decimal' module was imported, that the 'register()' function which the decorator had been applied to, would be called. The argument to the 'register()' function would be the reference to the module the registration had been against. The function could then perform some action against the module before it was returned to whatever code originally requested the import.

Instead of using the decorator '@imp.when_imported' decorator, one could also explicitly use the 'imp.register_post_import_hook()' function to register a post import hook.

import imp

def register(decimal):

imp.register_post_import_hook(register, 'decimal')

Although PEP 369 was never incorporated into Python, the wrapt module provides implementations for both the decorator and the function, but within the 'wrapt' module rather than 'imp'.

Now what neither the decorator or the function really solved alone was the ordering issue. That is, you still had the problem that these could be triggered after the target module had already been imported. In this case the post import hook function would still be called, albeit for our case too late to get in before the reference to the function we want to monkey patch had been created in a different namespace.

The simplest solution to this problem is to modify the main Python script for your application and setup all the post import hook registrations you need as the absolute very first thing that is done. That is, before any other modules are imported from your application or even modules from the standard library used to parse any command line arguments.

Even if you are able to do this, because though the registration functions require an actual callable, it does mean you are preloading the code to perform all the monkey patches. This could be a problem if they in turn had to import further modules as the state of your application may not yet have been setup such that those imports would succeed.

They say though that one level of indirection can solve all problems and this is an example of where that principle can be applied. That is, rather than import the monkey patching code, you can setup a registration which would only lazily load the monkey patching code itself if the module to be patched was imported, and then execute it.

import sys
from wrapt import register_post_import_hook
def load_and_execute(name):
    def _load_and_execute(target_module):
        patch_module = sys.modules[name]
        getattr(patch_module, 'apply_patch')(target_module)
    return _load_and_execute
register_post_import_hook(load_and_execute('patch_tempfile'), 'tempfile')

In the module file 'patch_tempfile.py' we would now have:

from wrapt import wrap_function_wrapper
def _mkdtemp_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    print 'calling', wrapped.__name__
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def apply_patch(module):
    print 'patching', module.__name__
    wrap_function_wrapper(module, 'mkdtemp', _mkdtemp_wrapper)

Running the first script with the interactive interpreter so as to leave us in the interpreter, we can then show what happens when we import the 'tempfile' module and execute the 'mkdtemp()' function.

$ python -i lazyloader.py
>>> import tempfile
patching tempfile
>>> tempfile.mkdtemp()
calling mkdtemp

In other words, unlike how most monkey patching is done, we aren't forcibly importing a module in order to apply the monkey patches on the basis it might be used. Instead the monkey patching code stays dormant and unused until the target module is later imported. If the target module is never imported, the monkey patch code for that module is itself not even imported.

Discovery of post import hooks

Post import hooks as described provide a slightly better way of setting up monkey patches so they are applied. This is because they are only activated if the target module containing the function to be patched is even imported. This avoids unnecessarily importing modules you may not even use, and which otherwise would increase memory usage of your application.

Ordering is still important and as a result it is important to ensure that any post import hook registrations are setup before any other modules are imported. You also need to modify your application code every time you want to change what monkey patches are applied. This latter point could be inconvenient if only wanting to add monkey patches infrequently for the purposes of debugging issues.

A solution to the latter issue is to separate out monkey patches into separately installed modules and use a registration mechanism to announce their availability. Python applications could then have common boiler plate code executed at the very start which discovers based on supplied configuration what monkey patches should be applied. The registration mechanism would then allow the monkey patch modules to be discovered at runtime.

One particular registration mechanism which can be used here is 'setuptools' entry points. Using this we can package up monkey patches so they could be separately installed ready for use. The structure of such a package would be:


The 'setup.py' file for this package will be:

from setuptools import setup
NAME = 'wrapt_patches.tempfile_debugging'
def patch_module(module, function=None):
    function = function or 'patch_%s' % module.replace('.', '_')
    return '%s = %s:%s' % (module, NAME, function)
setup_kwargs = dict(
    name = NAME,
    version = '0.1',
    packages = ['wrapt_patches'],
    package_dir = {'wrapt_patches': 'src'},
    entry_points = { NAME: ENTRY_POINTS },

As a convention so that our monkey patch modules are easily identifiable we use a namespace package. The parent package in this case will be 'wrapt_patches' since we are working with wrapt specifically.

The name for this specific package will be 'wrapt_patches.tempfile_debugging' as the theoretical intent is that we are going to create some monkey patches to help us debug use of the 'tempfile' module, along the lines of what Ned described in his blog post.

The key part of the 'setup.py' file is the definition of the 'entry_points'. This will be set to a dictionary mapping the package name to a list of definitions listing what Python modules this package contains monkey patches for.

The 'src/__init__.py' file will then contain:

import pkgutil
__path__ = pkgutil.extend_path(__path__, __name__)

as is required when creating a namespace package.

Finally, the monkey patches will actually be contained in 'src/tempfile_debugging.py' and for now is much like what we had before.

from wrapt import wrap_function_wrapper
def _mkdtemp_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    print 'calling', wrapped.__name__
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
def patch_tempfile(module):
    print 'patching', module.__name__
    wrap_function_wrapper(module, 'mkdtemp', _mkdtemp_wrapper)

With the package defined we would install it into the Python installation or virtual environment being used.

In place now of the explicit registrations which we previously added at the very start of the Python application main script file, we would instead add:

import os
from wrapt import discover_post_import_hooks
patches = os.environ.get('WRAPT_PATCHES')
if patches:
    for name in patches.split(','):
        name = name.strip()
        if name:
            print 'discover', name

If we were to run the application with no specific configuration to enable the monkey patches then nothing would happen. If however they were enabled, then they would be automatically discovered and applied as necessary.

$ WRAPT_PATCHES=wrapt_patches.tempfile_debugging python -i entrypoints.py
discover wrapt_patches.tempfile_debugging
>>> import tempfile
patching tempfile

What would be ideal is if PEP 369 ever did make it into the core of Python that a similar bootstrapping mechanism be incorporated into Python itself so that it was possible to force registration of monkey patches very early during interpreter initialisation. Having this in place we would have a guaranteed way of addressing the ordering issue when doing monkey patching.

As that doesn't exist right now, what we did in this case was modify our Python application to add the bootstrap code ourselves. This is fine where you control the Python application you want to be able to potentially apply monkey patches to, but what if you wanted to monkey patch a third party application and you didn't want to have to modify its code. What are the options in that case?

As it turns out there are some tricks that can be used in that case. I will discuss such options for monkey patching a Python application you can't actually modify in my next blog post on this topic of monkey patching.

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