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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Implementing a universal decorator.

This is the fourth post in my series of blog posts about Python decorators and how I believe they are generally poorly implemented. It follows on from the previous post titled 'Implementing a factory for creating decorators', with the very first post in the series being 'How you implemented your Python decorator is wrong'.

In the second post of this series I described a better way of building a decorator which avoided a number of issues I outlined with the typical way in which decorators are coded. This entailed a measure of boiler plate code which needed to be replicated each time. In the previous post to this one I described how we could use a decorator as a decorator factory, and a bit of delegation to hide the boiler plate code and reduce what a user needed to actually declare for a new decorator.

In the prior post I also started to walk through some customisations which could be made to the decorator pattern which would allow the decorator wrapper function provided by a user to ascertain in what context it was used in. That is, for the wrapper function to be able to determine whether it was applied to a function, an instance method, a class method or a class type. The ability to determine the context in this way is what I called a universal decorator, as it avoided the need to have separate decorator implementations for use in each circumstance as is done now with a more traditional way of implementing a decorator.

The walk through got as far as showing how one could distinguish between when the decorator was used on a normal function vs an instance method. Unfortunately the change required to be able to detect when an instance method was called via the class would cause problems for a class method or static method, so we still have a bit more work to do.

In this post I will describe how we can accommodate the cases of a class method and a static method as well as explore other use cases which may give us problems in trying to come up with this pattern for a universal decorator.

Normal functions vs instance methods

The pattern for our universal decorator as described so far was as follows:
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):  
    def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper):
        super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
        self.instance = instance
        self.wrapper = wrapper 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.instance is None:
            instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
            wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
            return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
        return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs) 
class function_wrapper(object_proxy): 
    def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
        super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
        self.wrapper = wrapper 
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
        return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper) 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
This was used in conjunction with our decorator factory:
def decorator(wrapper):
    def _decorator(wrapped):
        return function_wrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
    return _decorator
To test whether everything is working how we want we used our decorator factory to create a decorator which would dump out the values of any instance the wrapped function is bound to, and the arguments passed to the call when executed.
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    print('INSTANCE', instance)
    print('ARGS', args)
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) 
This gave us the desired results for when the decorator was applied to a normal function and instance method, including when an instance method was called via the class and the instance passed in explicitly.
def function(a, b):
>>> function(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2) 
class Class(object):
    def function_im(self, a, b):
c = Class() 
>>> c.function_im(1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x1085ca9d0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x1085ca9d0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
The change to support the latter however, broke things for the case of the decorator being applied to a class method. Similarly for a static method.
class Class(object):
    def function_cm(self, a, b):
    def function_sm(a, b):
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
ARGS (2,) 
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (2,) 

Class methods and static methods

The point we are at therefore, is that in the case where the instance is passed as None, we need to be able to distinguish between the three cases of:

  • an instance method being called via the class
  • a class method being called
  • a static method being called

One way this can be done is by looking at the __self__ attribute of the bound function. This attribute will provide information about the type of object which the function was bound to at that specific point in time. Lets first check this out for where a method is called via the class.
>>> print(Class.function_im.__self__)
>>> print(Class.function_cm.__self__)
<class '__main__.Class'> 
>>> print(Class.function_sm.__self__)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "test.py", line 19, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__'
So for the case of calling an instance method via the class, __self__ will be None, for a class method it will be the class type and in the case of a static method, there will not even be a __self__ attribute. This would therefore appear to give us a way of detecting the different cases.

Before we code up a solution based on this though, lets check with Python 3 just to be sure we are okay there and that nothing has changed.
>>> print(Class.function_im.__self__)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "dectest.py", line 19, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__' 
>>> print(Class.function_cm.__self__)
<class '__main__.Class'> 
>>> print(Class.function_sm.__self__)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "test.py", line 19, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__self__'
That isn't good, Python 3 behaves differently to Python 2, meaning we aren't going to be able to use this approach. Why is this case?

The reason for this is that in Python 3 they decided to eliminate the idea of an unbound method and this check was relying on the fact that when accessing an instance method via the class, it would actually return an instance of an unbound method for which the __self__ attribute was None. So although we can distinguish the case for a class method still, we can now no longer distinguish the case of calling an instance method via the class, from the case of calling a static method.

The lack of this ability therefore leaves us with a bit of a problem for Python 3 and the one alternative isn't necessarily a completely fool proof way of doing it.

This alternative is in the constructor of the function wrapper, to look at the type of the wrapped object and determine if it is an instance of a class method or static method. This information can then be passed through to the bound function wrapper and checked.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy): 
    def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding):
        super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
        self.instance = instance
        self.wrapper = wrapper
        self.binding = binding 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.binding == 'function' and self.instance is None:
            instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
            wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
            return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs) 
        return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs) 
class function_wrapper(object_proxy): 
    def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
        super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
        self.wrapper = wrapper 
        if isinstance(wrapped, classmethod):
            self.binding = 'classmethod'
        elif isinstance(wrapped, staticmethod):
            self.binding = 'staticmethod'
            self.binding = 'function' 
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
        return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper,  self.binding) 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
Now this test is a bit fragile, but as I showed before though, the traditional way that a decorator is written will fail if wrapped around a class method or static method as it doesn't honour the descriptor protocol. As such it is a pretty safe bet right now that I will only ever find an actual class method or static method object because no one would be using decorators around them.

If someone is actually implementing the descriptor protocol in their decorator, hopefully they would also be using an object proxy as is done here. Because the object proxy implements __class__ as a property, it would return the class of the wrapped object, this should mean that an isinstance() check will still be successful as isinstance() gives priority to what __class__ yields rather than the actual type of the object.

Anyway, trying out our tests again with this change we get:
>>> c.function_im(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2)
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x101f973d0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
Success, we have fixed the issue with the argument list when both a class method and a static method are called.

The problem now is that although the instance argument is fine for the case of an instance method call, whether that be via the instance or the class, the instance as passed for a class method and static method aren't particularly useful as we can't use it to distinguish them from other cases.

Ideally what we want in this circumstance is that for a class method call we want the instance argument to always be the class type, and for the case of a static method call, for it to always be None.

For the case of a static method, we could just check for 'staticmethod' from when we checked the type of object which was wrapped.

For the case of a class method, if we look back at our test to see if we could use the __self__ attribute, what we found was that for the class method, __self__ was the class instance and for a static method the attribute didn't exist.

What we can therefore do, is if the type of the wrapped object wasn't a function, then we can lookup up the value of __self__, defaulting to None if it doesn't exist. This one check will cater for both cases.

What we now therefore have is:
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy):
    def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding):
        super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
        self.instance = instance
        self.wrapper = wrapper
        self.binding = binding 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.binding == 'function':
            if self.instance is None:
                instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
                wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
                return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
                return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
            instance = getattr(self.wrapped, '__self__', None)
            return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
and if we run our tests one more time, we finally get the result we have been looking for:
>>> c.function_im(1,2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x10c2c43d0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x10c2c43d0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
Are we able to celebrate yet? Unfortunately not.

Multiple levels of binding

There is yet another obscure case we have yet to consider, one that I didn't even think of initially and only understood the problem when I started to see code breaking in crazy ways.

This is when we take a reference to a method and reassign it back again as an attribute of a class, or even an instance of a class, and then call it via the alias so created. I only encountered this one due to some bizarre stuff a meta class was doing.
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_im
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
ARGS (2,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "test.py", line 132, in __call__
    return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
  File "test.py", line 58, in my_function_wrapper
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: unbound method function_im() must be called with Class instance as first argument (got int instance instead) 
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_cm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_sm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
Things work fine for a class method or static method, but fails badly for an instance method.

The problem here comes about because in accessing the instance method the first time, it will return a bound function wrapper. That then gets assigned back as an attribute of the class.

When a subsequent lookup is made via the new name, under normal circumstances binding would occur once more to bind it to the actual instance. In our implementation of the bound function wrapper, we do not however provide a __get__() method and thus this rebinding does not occur. The result is that on the subsequent call, it all falls apart.

The solution therefore is that we need to add a __get__() method to the bound function wrapper which provides the ability to perform further binding. We only want to do this where the instance was None, indicating that the initial binding wasn't actually against an instance, and where we are dealing with an instance method and not a class method or static method.

A further wrinkle is that we need to bind what was the original wrapped function and not the bound one. The simplest way of handling that is to pass a reference to the original function wrapper to the
bound function wrapper and reach back into that to get the original wrapped function.
class bound_function_wrapper(object_proxy): 
    def __init__(self, wrapped, instance, wrapper, binding, parent):
        super(bound_function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
        self.instance = instance
        self.wrapper = wrapper
        self.binding = binding
        self.parent = parent 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.binding == 'function':
            if self.instance is None:
                instance, args = args[0], args[1:]
                wrapped = functools.partial(self.wrapped, instance)
                return self.wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)
                return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, self.instance, args, kwargs)
            instance = getattr(self.wrapped, '__self__', None)
            return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, instance, args, kwargs) 
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if self.instance is None and self.binding == 'function':
            descriptor = self.parent.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
            return bound_function_wrapper(descriptor, instance, self.wrapper,
                    self.binding, self.parent)
        return self 
class function_wrapper(object_proxy): 
    def __init__(self, wrapped, wrapper):
        super(function_wrapper, self).__init__(wrapped)
        self.wrapper = wrapper
        if isinstance(wrapped, classmethod):
            self.binding = 'classmethod'
        elif isinstance(wrapped, staticmethod):
            self.binding = 'staticmethod'
            self.binding = 'function' 
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        wrapped = self.wrapped.__get__(instance, owner)
        return bound_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, self.wrapper,
                self.binding, self) 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.wrapper(self.wrapped, None, args, kwargs)
Rerunning our most recent test once again we now get:
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_im
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x105609790>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_cm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_rm = Class.function_sm
>>> c.function_rm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)

Order that decorators are applied

We must be getting close now. Everything appears to be working.

If you had been paying close attention you would have noticed though that in all cases so far our decorator has always been placed outside of the existing decorators marking a method as either a class method or a static method. What happens if we reverse the order?
class Class(object):
    def function_cm(self, a, b):
    def function_sm(a, b):
c = Class() 
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
ARGS (<class '__main__.Class'>, 1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
ARGS (<class '__main__.Class'>, 1, 2) 
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
ARGS (1, 2)
So it works as we would expect for a static method but not for a class method.

At this point you gotta be thinking why I am bothering.

As it turns out there is indeed absolutely nothing I can do about this one. But that isn't actually my fault.

In this particular case, it actually can be seen as being a bug in Python itself. Specifically, the classmethod decorator doesn't itself honour the descriptor protocol when it calls whatever it is wrapping. This is the exact same problem I faulted decorators implemented using a closure for originally. If it wasn't for the classmethod decorator doing the wrong thing, everything would be perfect.

For those who are interested in the details, you can check out issue 19072 in the Python bug tracker. If I had tried hard I could well have got it fixed by the time Python 3.4 came out, but I simply didn't have the time nor the real motivation to satisfy all the requirements to get the fix accepted.

Decorating a class

Excluding that one case related to ordering of decorators for class methods, our pattern for implementing a universal decorator is looking good.

I did mention though in the last post that the goal was that we could also distinguish when a decorator was applied to a class. So lets check that.
class Class(object):
>>> c = Class()
Based on that we aren't able to distinguish it from a normal function or a class method.

If we think about it though, we are in this case wrapping an actual class, so the wrapped object which is passed to the decorator wrapper function will be the class itself. Lets print out the value of the wrapped argument passed to the decorator wrapper function as well and see whether that can be used to distinguish this case from others.
def my_function_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    print('WRAPPED', wrapped)
    print('INSTANCE', instance)
    print('ARGS', args)
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) 
def function(a, b):
>>> function(1, 2)
WRAPPED <function function at 0x10e13bb18>
ARGS (1, 2) 
class Class(object):
    def function_im(self, a, b):
    def function_cm(self, a, b):
    def function_sm(a, b):
c = Class() 
>>> c.function_im(1,2)
WRAPPED <bound method Class.function_im of <__main__.Class object at 0x107e90950>>
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x107e90950>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_im(c, 1, 2)
WRAPPED <functools.partial object at 0x107df3208>
INSTANCE <__main__.Class object at 0x107e90950>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> c.function_cm(1,2)
WRAPPED <bound method type.function_cm of <class '__main__.Class'>>
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_cm(1, 2)
WRAPPED <bound method type.function_cm of <class '__main__.Class'>>
INSTANCE <class '__main__.Class'>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> c.function_sm(1,2)
WRAPPED <function function_sm at 0x107e918c0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
>>> Class.function_sm(1, 2)
WRAPPED <function function_sm at 0x107e918c0>
ARGS (1, 2) 
class Class(object):
c = Class() 
>>> c = Class()
WRAPPED <class '__main__.Class'>
And the answer is yes, as it is the only case where wrapped will be a type object.

The structure of a universal decorator

The goal of a decorator, one decorator, that can be implemented and applied to normal functions, instance methods, class methods and classes is therefore achievable. The odd one out is static methods, but in practice these aren't really different to normal functions, just being contained in a different scope, so I think I will let that one slide.

The information to identify the static method is actually available in the way the decorator works, but since there is nothing in the arguments passed to a static method that link it to the class it is contained in, there doesn't seem a point. If that information was required, it probably should have been a class method to begin with.

Anyway, after all this work, our universal decorator then would be written as:
def universal(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    if instance is None:
        if inspect.isclass(wrapped):
            # Decorator was applied to a class.
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
            # Decorator was applied to a function or staticmethod.
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
        if inspect.isclass(instance):
            # Decorator was applied to a classmethod.
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
            # Decorator was applied to an instancemethod.
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Are there actual uses for such a universal decorator? I believe there are some quite good examples and I will cover one in particular in a subsequent blog post.

You also have frameworks such as Django which already use hacks to allow a decorator designed for use with a function, to be applied to an instance method. Turns out that the method they use is broken because it doesn't honour the descriptor protocol though. If you are interested in that one, see issue 21247 in the Django bug tracker.

I will not cover this example of a use case for a universal decorator just yet. Instead in my next blog post in this series I will look at issues around having decorators that have optional arguments and how to capture any such arguments so the decorator can make use of them.


  1. In your first post on decorators your set a goal of "Preservation of function argument specification", but after applying universal decorator, you described here, i still get a "TypeError: <...> is not a code object" when calling inspect.getargs() on decorated function.

    Is this not possible to preserve argspec?

  2. In the blog post I said the example of the object proxy shown was not complete, you need the full implementation of that. Use the 'wrapt' package off PyPi and if you still have a problem create an issue on github project for package.

  3. This series is awesome. Extremely detailed and informative - a lot that I didn't know. Thanks :)

  4. Actually looking up the documentation, the inspect.getargs() call is meant to be given a code object, not a function. Thus it is meant to be called as inspect.getargs(function.__code__). I suspect you were mistaking it with inspect.getargspec() which should work fine.

  5. My bad, inspect.getargspec works just fine.

    And thank you for this post series, they are awesome.
