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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I will be presenting at Sydney PyCon.

The conference schedule has just been announced for PyCon in Sydney this June. If one looks closely one will find I decided to get off my butt this time around and actually put my hand up for doing an introductory talk on getting started with mod_wsgi. I usually like to hide under a rock and avoid such things, but since this is the first time PyCon is being held where I live in Sydney, thought I better put in the effort.

Although I am not presenting any talk, I am also going to the PyCon in Singapore this June as well. So, will be a busy month.

BTW, I will be in Singapore for a week and not just the conference days. If members of any local Python user group is interested in meeting up outside of the conference days to talk about mod_wsgi, I could be interested. I could perhaps use you as Guinea pigs for my Sydney talk. Shopping with my family will take precedence, but can see how things go. :-)


  1. Graham: I will be there too with my wife, we should definitely try to get together.

  2. Also, I would be interested in listening to your mod_wsgi talk. So, lets find a place. :)

  3. Wonderful talk, can't wait to rush out and implement what I learned. Can you post your slides somewhere?

  4. Slides will likely be uploaded to mod_wsgi site when I get home as the network here at conference sucks. :-)

  5. PDF of slides available at 'http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/downloads/list'.
